Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracle of Abbot Anatoly (Berestov), ​​Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Moscow


Once, when I was still working in medicine, I was a consultant at the USSR Ministry of Health, I was called by ambulance to Sukhumi, Abkhazia, to a seriously ill child.
He drowned, was revived and was in the children's hospital. I came and looked at the child, I made a diagnosis: severe hypoxic encephalopathy, death of the cerebral cortex. I also informed the doctors - here everything is clear to the rejuvenators and neurologists then why call me. The doctors were ashamed and said that they called me, in fact, only at the insistence of his parents.
From Sukhumi to spend the night I was taken to Gagra, to the relatives of this sick child. When I entered the yard of their house, an old woman came out to meet me with a large plate with both hands. Seeing me, she opened her mouth in surprise, gasped, shook her hands, shook her head. The plate fell, broke, I did not understand what it was. It turned out that when this problem occurred in the child and he did not come out of the coma for several weeks, his grandmother had a dream where a voice said to her: "Call counselor Anatoly Ivanovich Berestov from Moscow" and he sees my face. They did not know if there was such a counselor, but they insisted on finding me. And her reaction to my appearance was due to the fact that it was I who saw her in her dream.
I was persuaded to take the child with me to Moscow. I got it, though I could not believe it could be helped in any way. And then the unexpected happens: in Moscow, the consciousness returns to him and we take him out of the hospital as a normal person. It was the truest miracle of God.
Another incident that shocked me happened in the summer of 1996, when I was already serving in the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov at the Transplant Institute. I baptized a family of four: husband, wife and boys thirteen and fourteen years old.
Both boys suffered from epilepsy and their mother had severe multiple sclerosis
She could no longer walk alone, she was pushed in a wheelchair, she could only move with support from both sides. And so, when I read the excorcism prayers that were necessary to prepare the Sacrament of Baptism, forbidding the devil to possess the soul of a person, the two children fell into a seizure.
Everyone rushed to them and I said, "Stop. Do not be afraid. "Now they will have this crisis and it will be the last in their lives."
Well, indeed, they soon came to their senses, got up. It was ten years ago. And over the years, these young people, and now quite an adult, have had no other crises. After I baptized the children, they brought me their mother. I baptized her and offered to help her return to the place. And suddenly she says, "Oh, no, I'll get there myself." It turned out that the ability to walk had returned to her. And I watched from the window as she walked without a wheelchair, even though her hands supported her. As a neurologist, I know that if a person with multiple sclerosis stops walking, then no medical device can restore their motor skills. Again the Lord's helper helped. And there are many such stories. So many.
Abbot Anatoly (Berestov), ​​Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Moscow

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