Sunday, August 11, 2024

Many people asked to become disciples of a wise elder. But it is impossible to accept all of them, because the gift of reasoning matures best in silence.

Many people asked to become disciples of a wise elder. But it is impossible to accept all of them, because the gift of reasoning matures best in silence.
But it is impossible to refuse them all, for Isaiah says: "Carry water to meet the thirsty." What should we do?
One came to ask to become a disciple and heard the elder's question:
- Tell me, what will you do if you find a purse with money - will you return it to its owner?
- No, I won't. If it was God's will that the purse should go to me, so be it.
The elder looked at the applicant in amazement and said:
- You have come to me to seek cunning, not wisdom. But I cannot teach you that.
Another applicant came and was met with the same question:
- Will you return the found purse to its owner?
The one was surprised at such a simple test and, without hesitation, answered:
- If I knew who the owner was, I would return the money immediately.
- I can't help you either," the elder said. - You are one of those who can only teach, but not learn.
Finally, the third of those who wanted to become the elder's disciple came in. In response to the same question, he answered without much confidence:
- I do not know, Abba, what I will do if I find the purse. Self-interest is the greatest temptation, and it has crushed strongholds like mine. But I trust that the Lord will not forsake me at this moment.
- Stay," said the wise elder, embracing his guest, "and let us learn from each other.

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