Saturday, October 26, 2019

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Onseiphorus and the candles

There was a young man named Onesiphorus who was appointed sexton in the church of St. Demetrius in Thessaloniki. His main task was to take care of the candles. But he started stealing candles, taking them home and then reselling them. St. Demetrius himself appeared to him and spoke to him:
"Brother Onesiphorus, I am not happy that you are stealing the candles. By doing this, you are are hurting others and especially yourself. Stop it and repent!" Onesiphorus was frightened, ashamed and for a time, he stopped stealing candles.

But after a while, he forgot and started stealing again. One morning a prominent man came and brought some large candles to the tomb of St. Demetrius, lit them, prayed and then left. Then Onesiphorus approached the candles and reached out his hand with the intention of taking them. At that very moment a thunderous voice was heard:
"Are you doing it again?" As if struck by lightening, Onesiphorus fell to the ground and remained unconscious.

Later a pilgrim came to church and found him there, lifted him up from the ground and when he slowly recovered his senses, the young man told him all that had happened to him. Everyone was amazed and glorified God.

St. Nicholai Velimirovic

(Image: Saint Demetrios the Myrrh-Gusher, mosaic in the church of St. Demetrios of Thessaloniki, XII century)

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