Monday, September 30, 2019

"For me, monasticism is the best life."

- Do you feel happy here?
- Yes. Every second. For me, monasticism is the best life. Of course, I would like everyone to become monastics, so that everyone is as happy as I am, everyone to choose this path. That means you only live for God, do you understand?
The whole gathering is for this purpose: to unite with God, to live for the Kingdom of Heaven. This is one direction. Why did the holy fathers leave for the desert? After all, they had everything. And the Church was free - the persecution of Christians stopped, why did they leave? Because the Lord invites them Himself into the wilderness. As the Old Testament says, "I invite you to the desert, I will speak to your heart." (Hos. 2:14).
Nun Gavrilia, Monastery of St. Paraskevi, Cor

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