Sunday, September 29, 2019

St. Amphilochius of Pochaev

May 12 is the day of glorification in saints of the Monk Amphilochius of Pochaev the Wonderworker and our contemporary. Thousands of pilgrims gather every year for this holiday in the Holy Assumption Pochaev Lavra. Also on January 1, on the day of the ascetic’s repose, and on the Assumption of the Mother of God - the patronal festival of the monastery.
There is a lot of popular love, hope and faith in veneration of the Elder, Schema-Igumen Amphilochius, who was only glorified 14 years ago as a saint. It is amazing how in such a short period of time the rebellious, holy fool and persecuted father Joseph (that was the name of the reverend before the adoption of the great schema) became a beloved saint in Ukraine and abroad.
During his lifetime, Elder Amphilochius was given a special grace of perspicacity, the gift of prayer healing and the release of the possessed. Miracles through the prayers of the saint continue to this day, stories about them are becoming increasingly famous. And the weak and the afflicted, and the unfortunate, go to the Monk Amphilochius — they come for help and support, for strengthening in faith and the strength to bear their cross. The happy ones also go to the reverend old man - with gratitude and joy, and to express their love for this holy ascetic.
From the life of the Monk Amphilochius of Pochaev (1894-1971)
A man comes up asking:
" Father Joseph, cure me!"
"Do you pray?"
" I do!"
“How do you pray?”
The man said something and threw a hand on his chest.
“Do you really pray like that ? Give me your hand! Fold your right hand like this: three fingers together, and these two fold and cross yourself."
"Touching your forehead say “In the Name of the Father”, heart and chest - “and the Son”, now on the right shoulder, the Guardian Angel is sitting on it, and you have a devil on the left!"
As soon as he touched his left shoulder with his own hand, he was thrown on the floor! And they hear a roar: "Joseph, what have you done! I lived in him for forty years, I was fine, but you persecute me! .. "
( Joseph - the name of the Monk in monasticism; Amphilochius - in the Great Schema)

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