Tuesday, October 1, 2019

There was an ascetic, says Abba Ailiotis, a recluse who had been tempted many years by the demon of prostitution.
The elder once said to the devil: "Why do you fight me with so much hatred? Get out of here, leave me alone, stay away from me ..."
Then the demon told him: "Swear you will not tell anyone what I tell you and I will not fight you again." The elder swore.
"Do not venerate this image," and with his hands showed him the image of our Lady with Christ "and I will never fight you again your whole life."
The next day the ascetic went to Abba Ailiotis and told him what had happened. Then Abba said to him: "You did well to come and confess. My opinion is that it is better for you to go to all the brothels of the city, and not leave one out, than to refuse to worship our Lord and God Jesus Christ and His Virgin Mother."

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