Sunday, November 3, 2019

Orthodox Parables and Stories: "Come, My daughter."

"Come, My daughter. " The story is true.

Aunt Shura was born and raised in the village. She came to Moscow as a young girl, got a job at a factory. The dorm room was shared with other female workers. You can imagine what kind of lifestyle it was. “I was a harlot,” she said of herself. Lively, sharp-tongued, who loved to sing, dance, laugh. Shura became a ringleader among the factory youth. She didn’t think about God. Sometimes she went to church on big holidays, on parental Saturdays too so it seems to be. As time went by, without a husband, she gave birth to a son. With the child she managed to get a room in a communal apartment. So time passed: work, funny companies, fans.
When Shura was 40 years old, an amazing event happened that turned her whole life around. It was summer. For some reason, she came home early from work and went to bed early. Some strange fatigue overwhelmed her. And then she dreamed that she was walking along the field and many, many people were going downhill. “I don’t want to go downhill,” Aunt Shura told herself and walked away from them. Besides people were going nowhere. But she was attached to them. After a while they came to the temple. Someone is standing in the doorway. Aunt Shura looks and does not believe her eyes. It was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In white clothes, exactly the same as on the icon and is blessing everyone. She, too, received a blessing. And the Lord laid a hand on her head and said: "Come, My daughter." And pushed to the door of the temple open. Then Aunt Shura woke up. “What happened to me, I don’t know. At one time I went to bed, and another I woke up, ”she later said.
In the morning she called the factory and asked for a few days off, since she had some time off available. And Shura went all over Moscow to look for that temple that she saw in a dream. For some reason, it seemed to her that she must do so. How she drove, how she changed from one transportation  to another, how she walked along the streets  - this is a long story. I can only say that the search was unsuccessful at first.
On the last free day, Shura got into one of the old districts of Moscow. The tram went along a quiet street,  not yet congested with cars. Shura looked out the window and thought that she had to ask for a few more days off, even if it was a vacation. And suddenly, from around the corner,  a white temple appeared. "There it is! ”Shura cried out, amazed the passengers, and rushed to the exit. On the same day, she got a job there. For thirty years, Aunt Shura has been here in our temple.

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