Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: The Parable of the Christmas Tree

Not only the people, but also the trees that grew near the cave where Christ was born, and the meadow flowers circling around, all in their own way took part in the great celebration. But the happiest were three trees standing at the very entrance to the cave: they can clearly see the manger and the Child resting in it, surrounded by a host of Angels. There was a slender palm tree, a beautiful smelling olive tree and a modest green Christmas tree. The rustle of their branches becomes ever more joyful, more animated, and suddenly the words are clearly heard:

“Let us go and bow to the divine baby and offer Him our gifts,” the palm tree said, referring to the olive tree.

"Take me with you!" said the modest green Christmas tree modestly.

"Where are you going with us!" looking at the green tree with a contemptuous look, the palm tree answered proudly:

"And what gifts can you bring to the divine baby?” The olive tree added: "What do you have? Only spiky needles and nasty sticky resin!"

The poor Christmas tree was silent and humbly stepped back, not daring to enter the cave, shining with heavenly light. But the angel heard the conversation of the trees, saw the pride in the palm and olive tree and the modesty of the Christmas tree.He felt sorry for her and, by his angelic kindness, he wanted to help her.

The magnificent palm tree leaned over the baby and laid in front of Him the best leaf of its magnificent crown.

“Let it cool you on a hot day,” she said. And the olive tree bent its branches, fragrant oil was dripped from them, and the whole cave was filled with fragrance. With sadness, but without envy, the Christmas tree looked at them. "They are right", she thought, "how can I compare with them! I am so poor, insignificant, I am not worthy to approach a divine baby! ”

But the angel told her:

"In your modesty, you humiliate yourself, dear Christmas tree, but I will exalt you and decorate you better than your sisters!

And the angel looked at the sky. And the dark sky was dotted with sparkling stars. The angel made a sign, and one little star after another began to slide to the ground, right on the green branches of the Christmas tree, and soon it all shone with brilliant lights. And when the divine baby woke up, it was not the fragrance in the cave, not a luxurious fan of palm trees that attracted His attention, but a shining Christmas tree. He looked at her, and smiled at her, and held out His hands to her. The Christmas tree rejoiced, but did not become proud and with its radiance tried to illuminate the ashamed, standing in the shade of olive and palm trees. For evil she paid good. And the angel saw this and said:

“You are a good tree, dear Christmas tree, and for this you will be rewarded. From now on, when people will remember the Christmas of the Savior, and you will not be forgotten. Every year at this time you, as now, will show off in the radiance of many lights, and small children will be looking at you, rejoice and have fun. Adults will rejoice too, remembering at the sight of you the golden days of childhood. And you, a modest green tree, will become a symbol of a merry Christmas holiday.

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