Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Archimandrite Andrei (Konanos)

Do you want to be always beautiful? Learn to love God, talk to the One who is always beautiful, learn to love the One with whom people are subjugated, to whom they worship, in whom they fall in love and who they love. The Saints fell in love with the Lord because of the beauty of His face, because of the beauty of His soul, because of the beauty of His word, because of the beauty of His presence. This is the beauty in the Church, we somehow experience the beauty in the Church, and for this we need to work hard, because there are many people around us who are both good and terrible at the same time; they are good people who, however, need to make a lot of effort.
Look for the beauty hidden in them. And never offend another, never hurt him, never focus on his external features and do not draw final conclusions about his character and personality. Learn to see the beautiful that is hidden in man, in your neighbor, your friend. Our God does not create ugly people, He creates only the beautiful. Everything that God does is beautiful and good. Let us discover the good, enjoy it.
Archimandrite Andrei (Konanos)

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