Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Commemorating St. Philothei, the nun-martyr (Mar. 3/Feb.19)

Fresco of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of St. Philothei in Maroussi Attica.

The Assumption of St. Philothei. It is a work of Dimitrios Tzovara and adorns the wood-carved pilgrimage with the portable icon of Agia, a work by Fotios Kontoglou, at the church of Philothei Attica.

The silver relic of St. Philothei at the Holy Cathedral of Athens.

Martyrdom pillar of St. Philothei

St. Philothei from her early age cared for those in need. The painting by Hector Duke depicts the scene in which the Saint gave her coat to an elderly woman. The work adorns the church of Philothei Attica.

Many poor women found affection and protection in St. Philothei. The painter Hector Doukas pictured the event on a painting, preserved today at the church of Philothei Attica.

The martyrdom of St. Philothei, as depicted in the painting by Hector Duke at the temple of Philothei Attica.

St. Philothei after her escort to the Holy Monastery of St. Andrew. Mural in the Church of St. Andrew in Nicosia, Athens. It was founded in 1950 by the late Fotis Kontoglou.

Rejoice, Light of Athens
Who lived a burning and public life
Faithful in your benefactions
And in your life of purity
You taught those who came to you
And you fed them
You were a protectress and bulwark,
You were a safe haven for those who were pursued
And saved the young and imprisoned.
And you were truly a luminary giving light
Lighting up the night
The darkness of slavery,
Oh Philothei, for your people
We praise you
And we ask you to intercede
For us before the Lord.
(Hymn of St. Philothei of Athens)

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