Tuesday, February 25, 2020

It would be good to commemorate inaudibly the names of the dead.....

It would be good to commemorate inaudibly the names of the dead, as many as we can, immediately after the Consecration of the Precious gifts, when the priest says, "especially for our Most Holy, Pure" and while the chanters are chanting the hymn "It is truly meet". At that moment the priests in the Holy Altar and us commemorate the names of the departed Orthodox Christians. Thus, as the hymn "It is truly meet" is being chanted inaudibly you will say: "Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on those who are asleep..." and you will be commemorating their names. Hence your commemoration is united with that of the priests into one supplication..
Experiences during the Divine Liturgy
Greek Artist Christos Bokoros. Display of absent souls

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