Sunday, February 16, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: The Faith of the Plumber

Priest Antony Skrynnikov.

Recently at the altar we had to check the boiler responsible for heating. What happened to it, I don't know, but they invited a parishioner, a plumber. And I had to walk him down the altar and show him the "problem area".

When he walked to the altar door, he'd take his shoes off. Despite my persuasion not to do it, that everyone comes to the altar like that, he did not listen to me and said that in the holy place, shoes will not be allowed. Then he bowed to the throne and prayed for a long time.

Eventually, he started taking apart the boiler, and I went out. When I walked into the altar 10 minutes later, I heard him talking to somebody. I listened to him and heard amazing words: "Lord, dear, help me. Where can I go without You with my mind, do not leave me, without You I can not cope."

It was a real conversation between a man and a real God. He talked to Him, knowing that He was here with him. It was a conversation between a loving son and a loving father.

And it is scary how quickly we get use to the holiness of the altar that sometimes there is laziness bowing to the altar.

Give, Lord, to all of us, such a "childish" faith...

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