Sunday, February 9, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Fr. Sergius Sidorov

Father Sergius Sidorov was arrested on April 13, 1937. It was a day off, surprisingly warm, sunny, spring. The snow had already melted, and although the grass had not yet appeared and the trees stood bare, the children joyfully ran around the yard. The time was approaching dinner, the children gathered, Tatyana Petrovna walked from the kitchen to the room. Father Sergius went into the canopy to bring the bread that was hanging in the bag. There a policeman met him. Father Sergius returned: “Tanya, they came for me,” he said in a strange voice. In his words there was confusion, and fear, and as if something was to blame: that this expected and terrible thing happened, that he was taken and the family was left alone. Children froze in the room. The policeman, a short stout man in uniform, stood at the door. He did not say empty words that you do not need to collect things that are invited only to verify documents - those false words that are said at the time of arrest in order to avoid children's tears and women's cries of despair. This policeman saw an outright need, young children and the mother of the family expecting a baby. The older children did not cry, they had long known that it would be so. Bora was twelve, I was eleven, and the youngest, Alyosha, had just turned eight. Tatyana Petrovna did not cry either. As always, in the terrible moments of life, she gathered all her strength to do what was needed: but it was necessary to collect things and take care of  her father; then it will be possible to cry. She quickly opened the chest, threw back the torn sheets, children's shirts. Here it is, for the winter a prepared bundle. It has an enameled mug, a clean shirt, a spoon, socks. I still have to put a piece of bread and salt, that's all, then we can go.

Father Sergius went up to his eldest son and hugged him: “Take care of the sisters, Boryunok” Kissed daughter and youngest son, made the sign of the cross over everyone. Then he turned to his wife. But the policeman said: "You can see your husband off." And mom went with her father. On the threshold of the room, the father looked back at his children and made the sign of the cross at them for the last time. Together with his wife, Father Sergius walked along the stone tiles of the Murom sidewalks, walked to the NKVD building. They walked arm in arm, the policeman behind in the distance. They met acquaintances who, without suspecting anything, cheerfully greeted them. So they came to the end. There, Father Sergius said goodbye to his wife forever. When the next day Tatyana Petrovna came with the transfer to the NKVD, she was told that Father Sergius was sent to Moscow at night. That April day, Tatyana Petrovna returned alone to the sunny courtyard, where her youngest son, Alyosha, tumbled on a thick branch of an old lilac bush. The older children stood and waited ... Tatyana Petrovna silently passed by and only said: "Go to dinner." The family sat at the table without a father.

In this, so ordinary for those years, arrest procedure, there is something unusual. Firstly, there was no search. Supposedly there was glaring poverty, but all the same, the scantiest belongings were shaken during the arrest, but this was not here. Secondly, Tatyana Petrovna was not arrested. How many families were completely destroyed at that time! They took a husband, then a wife, and children to an orphanage, where they will forget everything related to the family, its traditions, its shrines. No, Tatyana Petrovna was not touched, although many priestly wives were sent to camps. His children did not grow up in an orphanage, but next to their mother, a man of the highest purity and dedication. Yes, the faith of Father Sergius that the Queen of Heaven will save and protect his children was justified.

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