Thursday, February 6, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Gates of Paradise

One day a Roman legionary came to an Egyptian desert inhabitant:
"Is there hell? Is there heaven? If there is heaven and hell, then where is the gate? Where can I enter?"
This man was a simple warrior. And warriors are always simple and ingenuous. He only knew two things: life and death. He had no philosophy, he just wanted to know where the gate was to avoid hell and go to heaven.
"Who are you?" the monk asked.
"I am a Roman legionary," said the soldier."It is a very honorable thing to be a legionary in the Roman army. It means being a perfect soldier. The Emperor himself pays us his respects."
The monk laughed and answered:
"Are you a warrior? You look like some poor ragamuffin!"
These words really hurt the legionary. He forgot why he came. He instantly pulled out his sword and was going to kill the monk. But the monk laughed and said..:
"This is the Gates of Hell. With the sword, in anger, with your pride, you will open it."
That's what the warrior could understand. Immediately realizing what he was about to do, he put the sword in the sheath and the monk said:
"And here opens the Gates of Paradise."

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