Sunday, February 16, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracle icon of the Mother of God "Bread"

In a northern village, the boy Philip was left an orphan. He lived alone in an empty house that his parents had given him. All summer he was interrupted somehow - one au pair would help him, the other in the garden, and all fed him a little bit.
As winter began, in that poor village, nobody could feed the boy because there are seven of them in every family.
Then the local priest took pity on him. He put him in a church cell, so that the boy in his dwelling-place would not freeze, planted him at the table with his family, and in the evenings taught him to read and chant prayers.
Philip was clever, quickly mastered the letter of commendation and began to ask his father for books, and he was glad. The life of the saints and the teachings of the church fathers gave him everything.
And so the boy once read about the Solovetsky monastery, and came to the life of St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, to whom the miracle-working image of the Holy Virgin "Bread" was miraculously revealed. Here, as if epiphany came to him, he too, was baptized as Philip. So that's what his patron saint is like! The Mother of God herself noted it.
Then he asked his father to show him this miraculous icon. But he didn't have that image. The boy was upset and decided to go to Solovki to see this image. But not even three days had passed since the icon had found the boy himself. On one of the frosty evenings, three strangers knocked on the door. The priest let them in. It turned out that they were on a pilgrimage, worshipping Orthodox shrines and that they just came from the Solovetsky monastery.
Then Philip began to ask them about the monastery, its shrines, and the image of the "Bread" of the Mother of God. Then one of the pilgrims reached into his pocket and pulled out a small copy of that icon. The boy grabbed it with both hands. The father then explained:
"The boy's name is Philip, and when he read about Philip of Moscow,  he now only sleeps and sees how he would bow to the image of this saint."
The wanderers thought it over and decided to leave the icon with the boy, knowing it has found its place. May the grace of the Mother of God and St. Philip dwell with the boy.
Every night the boy prayed for a long time before the holy image, asking for help to send him to the city to study. And more than once he dreamed that the Most Pure Mother of God herself would come for him, take him by the hand and lead him through a wonderful garden, among flowers and trees, in their region of the northern countryside.
And in spring his fate was decided. The landowner, who owned these lands, went hunting in the surroundings of the village and took his friend, a southerner, with him to show him the northern nature.
The hunters were tired and wrapped up in the priest's house to rest and drink water. And so the brave boy looked at them and they decided - it's not a matter of vegetating in the wilderness of the north, it is necessary to take him to the city and teach him some work.

At the master's house, Philip quickly got together with the gardener and surprisingly adopted himself easily with him. The landlord noticed it, and when the guest began to head home, he told the boy to stay with him to take care of  the garden and conservatories.

When Philip first entered that garden, he immediately recognized those wonderful flowers, among which the Virgin led him in his dreams.

According to the materials of the folklore expedition of 1897.

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