Sunday, February 23, 2020

Panagia Thalassini - Andros Greece (Virgin of the Sea)

According to tradition, Panagia Thalassini protects those who travel to the sea, along with St. Nikolaos. A brisk evening the icon of the Virgin Mary came from the sea to the beach with a strange light. The people of the island followed the light that led them to a small cave. Surprised, in the cave, on seaweed, they saw the image of the Virgin Mary. They worshiped her and brought her to the chapel of St. Athanasius. The next day, however, the picture turned to her cave! So the Islanders decided to build a temple over the cave. The work for the construction of the temple was carried out in a rapid rhythm and the temple was almost ready in a very short time. But the roof was missing because there was no wood. The Virgin Mary took care of it. A ship loaded with timber was openly threatened by the sea outside Andros. The captain, together with the sailors, asked the Virgin to save them from the imminent danger. Enlightened, they threw the wood into the sea. So the ship was saved. The timber slowly descended on the shore near the cave, in order for the craftsmen to cover the uncovered church.

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