Sunday, February 23, 2020

Prayer for the dead...

Prayer for the dead is a help they cannot even ask for.
If the doors of eternity were open to us, in which the souls of departing ones were found, we would have a moving picture of the silent request of our brothers who ask for our prayers for them - millions of souls crying for help!
The fate of the deceased is similar to the situation of a person swimming in a very dangerous place. And our prayers are the anchor or rope we give our neighbor at the time of danger.
And how pleasant it is for the man who prayed for the neighbor, at that time, when we meet all there, and we will see them face to face and hear the thanks that helped them! And on the contrary, what a bitter condemnation it will be for those who did not help their brothers who did not pray in this dangerous time.
Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov

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