Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Miracle of St. Dositehus the Hermit of Kiev

When Theophan returned to Kiev, he continued serving St. Dositheos in the Lavra’s Far Caves.
At one point, his clairvoyant Elder sent him to fetch a quantity of incense. And he began to distribute the incense to the pilgrims,saying prophetically:
“Take this and cense your houses very thoroughly. A great misfortune is soon coming. People will fall dead in the streets like insects. But do not despair! Do not become disheartened! Pray! Pray!”
Not much time had passed when an epidemic of the plague broke out in the country. Rapidly, it approached Kiev, and arrived on 3 September 1770. There were many casualties. But whoever had censed his house with Dositheos the Recluse’s incense remained immune!

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