Monday, March 16, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: I've become a different person.

I met a man of my acquaintance who used to be an avid drunkard and troublemaker. He looks at him, and he has changed: he looks decent, dressed neatly, light in his eyes.

He asked his friend about his life, and he told that his son became a priest. The man was surprised, "The son of such a father has devoted his life to the service of God!" The friend said that he had come to faith through his son, and had changed his foolish life radically. How could this happen? The man was amazed.

"One day," said the former drunkard, "I shouted at my son with the last words.

And he bowed to me in return and asked for forgiveness. This act of my son made my soul turn upside down. I could not imagine that he, a priest, would ever ask for forgiveness from me, scum! I crippled him all his childhood, and he asks for my forgiveness!

Something's happened to me since then. I quit drinking and started walking.
I believed in God. I've become a different person."

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