Sunday, March 1, 2020


Adam was driven out of Paradise, because in disobedience he had eaten food; but Moses was granted the vision of God, because he had cleansed the eyes of his soul by fasting. If then we long to dwell in Paradise, let us abstain from all needless food, and if we desire to see God, let us like Moses fast for forty days. With sincerity let us persevere in prayer and intercession; let us still the passions of our soul; let us subdue the rebellious instincts of the flesh. With light step let us set out upon the path to heaven, where the choirs of Angels with never-silent voice sing the praises of the undivided Trinity, and there we shall behold the surpassing beauty of the Master. O Son of God, Giver of Life, in Thee we set our hope; count us worthy of a place there with the angelic hosts, at the intercession of the Mother who bore Thee, O Christ, of the apostles and the martyrs and of all the saints.

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