Friday, April 3, 2020

He is alive! He is always the same forever!

We were recently on Mount Athos and talked with the elder about today, about the trials. And he suddenly interrupts and says: “Well, does the Lord really die?”
The Lord is alive! Here are some things to keep in mind. We are called to live with the Lord. And he added: “Rejoice that you know the Lord. Rejoice that you know the path to salvation. And rejoice in those circumstances that compel you to involuntarily turn to Christ in prayer. ”
He is alive! He is always the same forever!
We must live with joy and the hope of being with Christ forever. And in earthly life, and in eternal. And then we will have such joy that no one can take from us.
Metropolitan Sergius of Ternopil and Kremenets.
Photo: Philotheou monastery Mt. Athos

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