Monday, May 4, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Elder Kuksha of Odessa

Elder Kuksha of Odessa was arrested in 1938 and sentenced to five years in concentration camps. The 64-year-old man found himself in heavy logging operations in the harsh northern taiga.
“It was Pascha” Fr. Kuksha said, "And I was so weak and hungry. The wind blew, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the snow had already begun to melt. I was walking along the zone along the barbed wire; And behind the wire, cooks from the kitchen were going to the dining room of the guards carry baking sheets with pies on their heads. It smelled so good, and crows flew over them.
I prayed: “Raven, raven, you fed the prophet Elijah in the wilderness, bring me a piece of cake too!” And suddenly I hear over my head: "Karrrr!" and a meat pie fell at my feet. it was a raven that pulled it from the baking sheet from the cook. I lifted the cake from the snow, thanked God with tears and satisfied my hunger. ”

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