Monday, May 25, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: The Hidden Observer

One day, Abbas Makarios, Abbas Sisoi and seven other monks went to reap. Behind one of the sheaves they bound a widowed woman fell to the ground and did not stop crying.
Elder Makarios then calls the owner of the field and asks him:
"What is wrong with the old lady have and why is she crying?"
"Her husband," he replies, "died suddenly and they don't know where he put the deposit that someone had given him. And he came and asked for his deposit, otherwise she and her children will be takes as slaves. "
"Tell her to come, now that we're resting at noon," the Elder tells him.
The widow cried and Abbas Makarios asks her:
"Why are you crying like that?"
         "My husband," she replies, "died. But he had taken a deposit from someone and I don't know where he put it. "
"Come and show me where you buried your husband," the Elder tells her then.
And, taking the other brothers, they went with her to the memorial. And as soon as they reached the tomb, the Elder told the widow to return to her home. And while everyone was praying, he shouts:
"Tell me, where did you put the foreign deposit?"
"I have it hidden under the foot of my bed," the "dead man" replies.
"Well," the Elder tells him, "Sleep now again, until the day of resurrection."
Seeing this wonderful event, the brothers became frightened and fell at his feet.
"It didn't happen for me," Abbas said, "because I'm nothing. God did it for the poor widow and the orphans. What is great and wonderful is that God wants our souls without sin. And then whatever we ask for, we will receive. "
He then went and informed the widow exactly where the deposit was.
She gave it to the man to whom it belonged, and so she and her orphaned children were released. And those who learned of it, praised God !!!

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