Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: St. George's Monastery in the Balaclava


The story tells about a miracle that happened in 891. The Tauride Greeks sailed on a small trading ship near the shore of Fiolent. The hanging black clouds indicated an approaching storm, but no one expected such a terrible storm. An unprecedented power of excitement caught the sailors in this place. Giant waves with terrible force rocked the small ship like a shell of walnut, beating on board, pouring the deck.

The squally wind raged, tore to shreds of sails, broke the masts. Dark clouds merged with raging waves and closed the horizon. The ship lost control, it was picked up by waves and carried to the rocky shore. The team knew it was going to die. All we had to do was pray. Knee-jerkly, with their hands raised, the Hellenes turned to St. George the Victorious. In hot prayer, they asked the heavenly protector for help.

Shocked by the vision, the Greeks headed for the rock. As they climbed to the top of the rock, they saw the icon of St. George lying on the ground. With the found sanctuary, they reached the shore and in gratitude for the miraculous salvation founded a temple in a nearby cave on the shore. There they also erected a St. George icon, and on the rock of his appearance - a cross. Some devout persons did not return to the ship, but stayed in the temple, dedicating the rest of their lives to God.

Over time, the number of the brethren increased, as a consequence, the monastery settled here, where to this day the monks pray and work.

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