Wednesday, May 20, 2020

St. Paisius Velichkovsky

Every hour expect your death and the coming of Christ, and say: "Now I will survive to work over my soul; in the evening I can die." When the evening comes, think, "will I not die in this very night? or death will suddenly come, my breath will suddenly stop, and as a flower falls I will fade. As the grass dries up, I shall die and then will be without a trace. God alone knows where I will then be, for He will judge each according to his deeds, saying 'I assign him to go there.'" Think then every day, and so not be concerned about anything, only about your own sins, and in this way your soul will enter into humility and lamentation and you will consider yourself as a frightful sinner and will ceaselessly gush forth founts of tears. but in necessities, in clothing, vessels, and things, observe simplicity, poverty, modesty, not because there is nothing to buy these things with, but because by this the soul is humbled and is not removed from God, and then everywhere it will be easy to find them. - St. Paisius Velichkovsky

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