Saturday, May 23, 2020

St. Simon the Zealot

Commemorating the Holy Apostle Simon Zelotes (May 23/May 10) hailed from Cana of Galilee. He was a son of Joseph the Betrothed, and hence a brother of the Lord after the flesh, and he was also one of the 12 Apostles. The first miracle which the Saviour worked, – the transforming of water into wine, occurred at the house of Simon. After this miracle, Simon left behind everything and followed Christ.


Saint Apostle Simon the Zealot cave

The grotto (cave) of Simon the Canaanite is a place of religious veneration associated with Simon the Zealot or Simon the Cananite or Simon the Cananaean, who was one of the most obscure among the apostles of Jesus Christ.
The cave is located in Psyrtskha valley, near the temple of Simon the Cananite in New Afon, Abkhazia. According to the legends for two years (53-55 AD) the cell of the Saint Apostle Simon the Canaanite (Simon the Zealot) was in the grotto.
This place from an antiquity served as a place of religious veneration for Christians. After the formation of the New Afon monastery and the arrival of monks from Holy Mount Athos, the grotto was consecrated and turned into a chapel. The mosaic icons of the Saint Apostles Andrew the First-Called and Simon Cananite were created there.
Currently, the grotto is visited by numerous tourists and pilgrims. The road to the grotto of St. Simon Cananite runs through the picturesque territory of Psyrtskha reserve along the river Psyrtsha, near the holy source. The road according to legends begins from the place where the apostle was martyred by the Roman legionnaires in the 55 AD. On the way, there is a huge rock with an imprint similar to the human foot. According to legend, it was left by St. Apostle Simon Cananite, therefore pilgrims always stop here and serve prayers.

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