Monday, June 22, 2020

Το Θαύμα στον Ι. Ν. ΜΕΤΑΜΟΡΦΩΣΕΩΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΠΛΑΚΑΣ 18-04-2020 την ημέρ...

Christ is Risen!!! The Light of our True Resurrected Christ before the eyes of all of us !!! In all this blackness I wanted to share my joy with you, as the faithful man who sent it to me shared it with me! The video is from the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil - I. N. N. METAMORFOSEOS TOU SOTIROS PLAKAS 18-04-2020 on the day of the Resurrection, lasting more than 2 and a half hours and I cut it during the wonderful event until the end. As you can see, during the operation, the miracle that took place has not been realized and in no case can it be justified by logic, since there is no human intervention or any refraction of light! At 1 ': 50 "you will notice that a wonderful" light "descends from above, bathes the chandelier and continues downwards, while the chandelier retains this light and over time weakens and has its own lighting. God resurrects and his enemies disperse and those who hate him flee from him! (Psalm 67: 2)

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