Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Kirof Avenue at the time of St. Luke's funeral. May 31 / June 13, 1961.

May 29 / June 11, 1961 It was quarter to seven in the morning when St. Luke breathed his last and his soul flew to heaven. The sad news spread like wildfire. For three days, thousands of people arrived by all means to worship his relics.

I will not forget the following amazing event. As the procession began togethe with the episodes, a swarm of countless pigeons appeared over the relics of the Saint. They circled over his remains, then flew along the boulevard to the cemetery. They would come back, make circles again, follow the procession, fly to the cemetery and come back again. And this was repeated over and over again.

When we arrived at the cemetery, they sat on the roof of the Church of All Saints and then disappeared. This made a big impression on everyone. Even atheists were puzzled. It was no accident. We had never seen so many pigeons.

Testimony of the Nun Nantiezntas    
From the book of the Metropolitan of Argolis Nektarios: '' Archbishop Loukas. A Holy Shepherd and a surgeon ''. "Porphyra" Publications.

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