Monday, June 1, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracle of Nun Magdalene Tofan

Magdalene Tofan, who came from the province of Neamts, came to the monastery of Agapia in Romania at a very young age, as a submissive to the nun Cleomidis. She grew up in the fear of God, prayer and obedience.
After Magdalene Tofan dressed as a nun, the two nuns lived as sisters in Christ, sharing joys and spiritual experiences. Both together were a real model of devoted and spiritual life in the First Monastery of Agapia, which numbered about five hundred nuns.
Day and night, they saw them present in all the Sequences, advising and encouraging each other. They often confessed and communicated and were easily deprived of the goods of this world.
In February 1947, Kleomidis' mother fell asleep. Only now, the old submissive Magdalene, was asking God to reveal to her where her spiritual mother's soul was and to inform her if she had been saved. Forty days after the death of the Eldress, Sister Magdalene received holy communion and surrendered her soul in the evening.

Numerous nuns arrived then, to examine the body of Sister Magdalene in her monastic garment, light candles and incense. Some started reading psalms near the bed. They prayed, weeping, in the suddenness that had caused such a sudden death.
At midnight, when they chanted Orthros in the Church, the deceased turned her head a little towards the sisters, who had gathered in the cell and said:
"Call Father Antim!"
Terrified, they went to the Church to find the confessor, who arrived quickly, bringing his petracheli (stole).
He entered the cell, approached the "dying" and told the other people:
"Get everyone out, because I have to talk to her."
Half an hour later, Father Antim left the place, telling the nuns who were waiting in bewilderment:
"Now you can go near Mother Magdalene."
However, at the same time that the confessor came out, Magdalene Tofan finally fell asleep in the Lord. In vain did her sisters in Christ call her by her name.
Mother Magdalene probably had some weight on her conscious. And that is why God allowed her to be resurrected and settled with the help of her spiritual father. Now she rests in the light and glory of the Lord, thanks to this miracle

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