Monday, June 1, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: "Conversations with children" Nun Magdalena

A girl had become addicted to heavy metal music and had stopped coming to church. One day she came dressed provocatively. I approached her in a friendly way, I talked about music with positive interest. I didn't start with words like, "Your mother told me you were brainwashing yourself with rock music," and "Your mother told me you were a rock fan." But I said: "I guess these aren't all the same rock musicians I went to listen to at concerts! What is the best band now? ”

The mother, seeing the girl talking calmly and openly with a nun, approached and said: “Ah, good. You're talking to sister. Sister, you're going to tell her about the confession, aren't you? She won't listen to me. "

The girl, of course, froze and the warm contact was lost. In an attempt to restore it, I replied quite sharply: "Leave the confession now, I just happily remembered my younger years!"

The girl no longer looked at me as someone she didn't want anything to do with, but as a "representative of the Church" in union with her mother.

I was prepared to wait for years before raising the subject of confession.

The reminder of the mother did not give me new information, and in any case it should not have happened in front of the girl.

After the mother's intervention, any mention of confession became impossible in the foreseeable future. I would be accepted as an ambassador of the mother. The girl did not return to our monastery. May God allow her to return to the Church elsewhere. We even pray for mistakes that are, humanly speaking, irreparable. For God, anything is possible.

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