Friday, July 10, 2020

Abba Dorotheos of Gaza

In the cenobitic monastery, before I left from there, there was a brother whom I had never seen embarrassed or grieved or angry at anyone, while I noticed that many of the brethren often harassed and insulted him. And this young man endured insults from each of them as if no one had embarrassed him at all. I was always surprised at his gentleness and wanted to know how he had acquired this virtue. One day I took him aside and, bowing to him, asked him to tell me what he always thought when being insulted by someone or enduring a grudge by anyone that he has such patience. He answered me scornfully, without any embarrassment: "Should I pay attention to their shortcomings or accept their insults as human beings? They are barking dogs."

Abba Dorotheos of Gaza

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