Monday, July 6, 2020

From a letter of a Russian monk

Don't ask me for advice, a poor and miserable monk. I don't have the ability to gaze at the heavenly heights or to submerge the sea depths... I don't have the intelligence to open roads in rushing rivers, or build dams in open lakes... I can't measure the ends of the world, or understand the laws of the universe...

I have no intention of changing all people, nor the ambition to eliminate evil from the world... Neither with her, nor with her, nor with any other knowledge or ability, have I been gifted, a savage and insensitive sinner, who does nothing good.

Only the word of God and the writings of the Fathers can I recommend to those who yearn to hear and obey – to those who are thirsty for salvation.

From a letter from an anonymous Russian monk, 16th century.

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