Friday, July 10, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracle of St. Basil of Ostrog

The daughter of an elderly Greek woman from Nis had a severe lung disease. Medical interventions started quite late. One evening, while the grieving mother was sitting next to her seriously ill daughter who was exhaling under a high temperature, she fell into a short sleep from exhaustion. In a dream, Saint Basil of Ostrog appeared to her and told her not to cry, because he would heal her daughter. And indeed, in the morning the sick daughter was suddenly healed. After a new examination, the doctors, to everyone's surprise, found that the patient had completely recovered. The Greek mother remembered well the character who appeared to her in a dream, and when she then saw the icon of St. Basil of Ostrog in the church, she recognized that it was him. She and her daughter expressed their deep gratitude to the great Ostrog Miracle Worker.

Through the prayers of our Holy Father Basil, the newly appeared Miracle Worker of Ostrog, may God have mercy and save all Orthodox Christians and all His people. Amen!

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