Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Orthodox Parables and Stories: "Holy Communion Heals"

We offer you the story of a priest about the amazing power of Holy Communion, which with its miraculous power healed the sick heart of a 64-year-old woman!

"One day a young woman, a doctor by profession, Irina, told me that her mother Maria Alekseevna was ill and wanted to confess. Maria Alekseevna was 64 years old. She was to undergo a heart operation. After the operation, Maria Alekseevna was placed in intensive care. Her condition was very grave, and she did not regain consciousness for many days.

One day Irina said that her mother woke up and wanted to confess and receive the Holy Mysteries. I took the Holy Gifts, we got into the car and soon arrived at the hospital. After Holy Communion, Maria Alekseevna thanked and began to speak to the doctor that good people are priests, they are doing a very important thing, and almost immediately fell into oblivion again.

We left. Until the day when the patient woke up and received Holy Communion, her heart stopped three times, which was again “turned on” with the help of modern equipment. Everyone understood that the situation was sad. As I said, after Holy Communion Maria Alekseevna again fell into oblivion, and after a few days her heart again stopped working. It was "turned on" again, and it stopped again for the fifth time, and then ... Maria Alekseevna suddenly regained consciousness and began to recover quickly. In total, she spent 21 days in intensive care. The entire team of doctors and medical staff were amazed.

One day a famous professor visited the hospital. Having learned about the history of Maria Alekseevna, he said that this could not be. He was told that a priest had come ... “Ah, then it’s another matter,” the professor said.

Maria Alekseevna returned to the ward, the inhabitants of which had already lost hope of seeing her. After a while, I visited her. Maria Alekseevna was already walking.

Two months later, Maria Alekseevna and her daughter came to me. I saw a youthful, cheerful woman. Miracle? Undoubtedly, a miracle that happened before our eyes and deeply struck everyone around us. "

As you can see, our dear visitors, Holy Communion heals not only the soul, but even our earthly body!

Therefore, you need to take communion often and regularly! Then the disease will bypass us!

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