Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Rejoice, great John, Prophet, Foreunner, and Baptist of the Lord!

Rejoice, first preacher of the Trinity’s Theophany! Rejoice, true worshipper of the one God in Three Persons! Rejoice, clear beholder of the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove! Rejoice, witness to His descent from the Father upon the Son! Rejoice, hearer of the voice of God the Father from Heaven! Rejoice, beholder of the revelation of the Father’s love for the Son! Rejoice, chosen baptist of the Son of God! Rejoice, fulfiller of His holy will! Rejoice, zealous struggler in the glorious service for the salvation of the human race! Rejoice, first celebrant of the great Mystery of Baptism! Rejoice, herald of divine joy! Rejoice, first teacher of the New Testament! Rejoice, great John, Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord!

(Akathist to St. John the baptist)

Image: Right hand of St. John the baptist on Mt. Athos

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