Monday, January 18, 2021

St. Paisios the Athonite

Brave people are rare in our times. People today are lukewarm. That's why if, God forbid, a war breaks out, some will die out of fear, others will fall on the street from some minor hardship because they are so used to comforts. In the past, people were so brave! In the Monastery of the Flavians in Asia Minor, the Turks had captured a man and slaughtered him. Then they told his wife, "Either deny Christ or we kill your children too." And she replied, "My husband is now with Christ, and my children I entrust to Christ, and I will not renounce Christ." What bravery! If Christ is not in us, how can there be such bravery? Today, people without Christ are building their homes on rubble.

St. Paisios the Athonite

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