Tuesday, February 23, 2021

How do you spend your day God's way?


How do you spend your day God's way?

In the morning, when we are still resting, there are already standing near our bed, an angel on the right side and a demon on the left.
They are waiting whom we are going to serve this day.
And you must begin the day in the following way:
Waking up, immediately shield ourselves with the sign of the cross and jump out of bed, so that the laziness stays under the covers, and we find ourselves in a holy corner.
Then make three earthly bows and address the Lord with these words:
"Lord, I thank You for the night that has passed, bless me for the day ahead, bless me and bless this day, and help me to spend it in prayer, in good deeds, and keep me safe from all enemies visible and invisible."
And immediately we start reciting the Jesus Prayer.
After washing and dressing, we stand in the holy corner, gather our thoughts, concentrate so that nothing distracts us, and begin the morning prayers.
When we have finished, we will read a chapter from the Gospel.
And then we think about the good deed we can do to our neighbor today...
It is time to go to work.
Here, too, we should pray: before going out the door, say these words of St. John Chrysostom:
"I deny you, Satan, your pride and service to you, and I unite myself to you, Christ, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Cross yourself with the sign of the cross, and when you leave the house, discreetly cross the road.
On the way to work, and for any business, we should recite the Jesus prayer and "Rejoice, Virgin Mary,..."
If we are engaged in housekeeping, before cooking food, we sprinkle all products with holy water, and light the stove with a candle, which we light from a lamp.
Then the food will not be to our detriment but for our benefit, for the strengthening of not only the bodily but also the spiritual strength, especially if we will cook by continually reciting the Jesus prayer.

Archimandrite Amvrosiy Yurasov

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