Saturday, April 10, 2021

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Wild beasts bow down before the Holy Martyr Neophyte

This was in the 4th century. Saint Neophyte was still very young when he received the revelation to devote his life to the Lord. He said goodbye to his parents and went to the mountains surrounding Nicaea. In the mountains, he found a cave, where he decided to settle.

And a lion lived in the cave. He went out to meet the young man, growling angrily. Then Neophyte gently and calmly said to the beast:

- The Lord brought me here and ordered me to live in this cave. Please find yourself another home!

And the lion was gone. And the saint settled in a cave, and an angel brought him food.

But the pagans, enemies of the faith of Christ, learned where Saint Neophytos lived. They grabbed him and decided to throw him at the mercy of wild animals.

The martyr was brought to the circus arena. And I must tell you that the circus in the ancient world is not at all the circus that we know. They did not admire the dexterity of the gymnasts and did not laugh at the clumsy clown. There, the pagans "enjoyed" public executions and fierce battles of gladiators. They loved the sight of suffering and death.

In the arena, the saint was tied to a post and wild bears were released. With a roar, the animals rushed to the saint, but suddenly, as if some force stopped them. The bears bowed their heads to the feet of the martyr - and quietly moved away. Then the tormentors released the lion from the cage.

- This hungry beast will tear him to pieces! - the pagans looked forward to.

Growling viciously, the lion jumped to the saint, but suddenly stopped and froze, and then began to lick the martyr's feet. It was the same lion that gave way to the holy cave!

- Hello my friend! - said Saint Neophytos to him. - Did you recognise me! Now go to our cave and live in it - I will never return there.

But the lion did not want to leave and sat sadly at the feet of the martyr.

- Go, go, friend! And do not harm these people, ”the saint raised his kind eyes to the tormentors.

The lion, growling, began to rush about the arena, but, obeying the holy martyr, he did not touch anyone. Then he broke the gates of the circus and fled into the desert.

The furious tormentors rushed at Saint Neophytos and pierced him with a spear. They did not understand why the fierce predators became meek and what power transformed their bestial disposition.

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