Friday, May 14, 2021


Kontaktion 1. 
O Theotokos, we offer this hymn of thanksgiving unto thee, the Mother of God and Queen who wast chosen from among all generations, and who didst once appear to the iniquitous man, to turn him away from the path of dishonor. As thou dost have ineffable loving kindness, free us from all misfortunes and sins, that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

Ikos 1. 
The angels and the souls of the righteous were amazed when thou didst stand before thy Son and God, and with great entreaty didst intercede for a man who had ever abode in sin; and we, looking upon this thy great compassion with the eyes of faith, with compunction cry out to thee thus: Rejoice, O thou who acceptest the supplications of all Christians; rejoice, thou who dost not reject the entreaties even of the most wretched of sinners! Rejoice, thou who dost intercede for them with thy Son; rejoice, thou who grantest them the unexpected joy of salvation! Rejoice, thou who by thine intercession dost save the whole world; rejoice, thou who dost assuage all our griefs! Rejoice, O Mother of the God of all, who dost comfort troubled souls; rejoice, O thou who arranges well our life! Rejoice, O thou who hast brought to all men deliverance from their sins; rejoice, O thou who for the whole world hast given birth to Joy! Rejoice, O thou whose mercy falleth upon the righteous and sinners alike; rejoice, O loving mother of God Who is love! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

Kontaktion 2.
 Beholding a man who, even though iniquitous, yet with faith and hope didst daily cast himself down before her precious icon and offered unto her the angelic salutation, the all-holy one hearkened even to the glorification of such a sinner, that all in heaven and on the earth, beholding her maternal lovingkindness, might cry out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 2.
Thy love for the Christian race truly surpasseth the understanding of men, for thou didst not cease in thy mediation for the iniquitous one even when thy Son showed thee the wounds from the nails made by men’s sins. And beholding such unwavering intercession for us sinners, we cry out to thee with tears: Rejoice, O zealous ally of the Christian race, given us by God; rejoice, O our guide, who leadest us to the heavenly homeland! Rejoice, thou shelter and refuge of the faithful; rejoice, O help of all who call upon thy holy name! Rejoice, O thou who dost rescue from the pit of destruction those who are despised and rejected by all; rejoice, O thou who turnest them to the straight path! Rejoice, O thou who drivest away the constant despondency and gloom of man’s soul; rejoice, O thou who grantest new and better understanding unto those who consume their mind with affliction! Rejoice, O thou who takest into thine own omnipotent hands those abandoned by physicians; rejoice, O skillful healer of incurable ills; 

Rejoice, O thou who with the grace of God dost banish infirmities; rejoice, O thou dost raise the sick from the bed of pain! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful! 

Kontaktion 3. 
The power of grace abounded where sin had waxed great, that all the angels in heaven might rejoice over one repentant sinner, chanting before the throne of God: Alleluia! 

Ikos 3. 
As thou hast maternal loving-kindness for the Christian race, O Mistress, thou extendest a helping hand to all who have recourse unto thee with faith and hope, that all, with one heart and one mouth, might offer thee such glorification as this: Rejoice, for through thee doth the blessing of God descend upon us; rejoice, for in thee do we acquire the greatest boldness before God! Rejoice, for amid all our misfortunes and evil circumstances thou offerest to thy Son ardent supplications in our behalf; rejoice, for thou dost render even our supplications acceptable to God! Rejoice, for thou drivest invisible enemies away from us; rejoice, for thou deliverest us from visible foes! Rejoice, for thou dost soften the hearts of wicked men; rejoice, for thou dost protect us from slander, reproach and offense! Rejoice, for through thee are all our good desires fulfilled; rejoice, for thy supplication before thy Son and God is able to accomplish much! Rejoice, for no task is beyond the power of thy grace; rejoice, for the Most High doth readily hearken to thy pleas! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

Kontaktion 4. 
Having within him a storm of sinful thoughts, the iniquitous man prayed before thy precious icon; and seeing blood flow in streams from the wounds of thy preeternal Son, as it flowed in the Cross, he fell prostrate in fear, and with lamentation cried out to thee thus: “Have mercy upon me, O Mother of compassion!! Let not my wickedness prevail over thine ineffable goodness and compassion, for thou alone art the hope and refuge of all sinners. Incline thyself unto mercy, O good Mother, and entreat thy Son and my Creator in my behalf, that I may unceasingly cry aloud to Him; Alleluia!”

Ikos 4. 
The denizens of heaven, hearing of the wondrous salvation of their earthly brother which was accomplished through thy prayers, glorified thee, the kind-hearted Queen of heaven and earth; and we sinners, learning of the aid granted to a sinner like us, from the depths of our compunction cry out to thee thus, even though our tongue is at a loss how to praise thee as is meet: Rejoice, O guarantor of the salvation of sinners; rejoice, O search for the lost! Rejoice, unexpected joy of sinners; rejoice, restoration of the fallen! Rejoice, O intercessor before God, who savest the world from misfortunes; rejoice, for the demons tremble at the sound of thy supplications! Rejoice, for the angels rejoice thereat; rejoice, for the power of thy prayers filleth even us mortals with gladness! Rejoice, for thereby thou dost pull us forth from the mire of sins; rejoice, for thou dost extinguish the flame of our passions! 

Rejoice, for thou dost uproot form our souls the tares of lust; rejoice, for thou dost plant within us the seeds of the virtues! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

 Kontaktion 5. 
O Lord, Thou hast shown the wonder-working icon of Thy Mother to be a divinely guided star; for, gazing upon her image with our bodily eyes, we are caught up in mind and heart to the prototype thereof, and through her do we hasten to Thee, chanting: Alleluia!

Ikos 5. 
The guardian angels of Christians, seeing how the Mother of God aideth them to guard, help and save, hastened to cry out thus to her who is more honorable than the cherubim and beyond compare more glorious than the seraphim: Rejoice, O thou who reignest everlastingly with thy Son and God; rejoice, O thou who ever makest entreaties to Him for the Christian race! Rejoice, instructor in the Christian Faith and piety; rejoice, uprooter of heresies and corrupting schisms! Rejoice, O thou who offerest protection from temptations which corrupt soul and body; rejoice, O thou who grantest deliverance from perilous circumstances and sudden death without repentance and Holy Communion! Rejoice, O thou who givest an unashamed end to life for those who trust in thee; rejoice, O thou who even after a man’s death dost unfailingly mediate before thy Son for his soul, which has departed for the judgment of the Lord! Rejoice, O thou who by the maternal intercession dost deliver it from everlasting torment; rejoice, O thou who savest men’s souls from the fires of Gehenna! Rejoice, for thou dost crush the head of the serpent beneath thy foot; rejoice, for the ancient enemy of the human race doth flee before thy power! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful! 

Kontaktion 6. 
The holy Dimitry of Rostov was shown to be the herald of the wondrous loving-kindness which thou didst show for that iniquitous man; for, while describing the great, glorious and excellent works of God made manifest in thee, he also out in writing this act of thy mercy, for the instruction and consolation of all the faithful, that, though they may find themselves in sins, tribulations, sorrows and afflictions, they may with faith bend their knees in prayer before thine image many times each day, and, delivered from them, may cry out to God: Alleluia!

  Ikos 6. 
Thy miraculous icon, O Mother of God, hath shone upon us like an all-luminous ray, dispelling the darkness of misfortunes and sorrows from all who with love cry out to thee thus: Rejoice, O healer of our bodily ailments; rejoice, O good comforter amid the griefs of our souls! Rejoice, O thou who transformest our sorrow into joy; rejoice, O thou who dost gladden the hopeless with certain hope! Rejoice, feeder of the hungry; rejoice, clothing of the naked! Rejoice, consoler of widows; rejoice, invisible nurturer of motherless orphans! Rejoice, helper of those unjustly persecuted and oppressed; rejoice, O thou who dost visit just vengeance upon persecutors and oppressors!

Rejoice, O thou who watchest over the homeless with solicitous care; rejoice, O thou who with love dost hearken to their piteous cries! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

 Kontaktion 7. 
The Lord Himself, the just Bestower of the law, desiring to be a fulfiller of the law and to show forth the abyss of His loving-kindness, inclined to thy plea in behalf of the iniquitous man, O all-blessed Virgin Mother, saying: “The law commandeth that a son honor his mother. I am thy Son, and thou art My Mother. I must needs honor thee, hearkening to thine entreaty. Wherefore, let it be as thou dost desire: his sins are now forgiven for thy sake!” And, beholding the power of the supplication of our mediatress to effect the forgiveness of our offenses, we glorify her loving-kindness and ineffable compassion, crying out: Alleluia! 

Ikos 7. 
A new, wondrous and glorious sign hath been revealed to all the faithful, for Thou, O Lord, hast granted the power to work miracles not only to Thy Mother, but to her all-pure countenance depicted upon a board; and, marveling at this mystery, in compunction of heart we cry out to her such things as these: Rejoice, O revelation of the wisdom and goodness of God; rejoice, confirmation of the Faith! Rejoice, manifestation of grace; rejoice, bestowal of thoughts which profit the soul! Rejoice, abolition of spiritually harmful teachings; rejoice, easily victory over iniquitous habits! Rejoice, O thou who grantest discourse of wisdom unto those who ask; rejoice, O thou who makest the senseless intelligent! Rejoice, O thou who grantest understanding to children who have difficulty learning; rejoice, O guardian and guide of youth! Rejoice, O thou who dost restore the minds of the insane; rejoice, O thou who givest strength and patience to their loved ones! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful! 

Kontaktion 8. 
An awesome and terrifying vision did the iniquitous man behold, revealing to him the goodness of the Lord, Who forgave his sins through the intercession of the Mother of God; wherefore, amending his way of life from that very moment, he lived in a God-pleasing manner. Thus also, beholding the glorious works and manifold wisdom of God in the world and in our life, let us put away from us early vanities and the many cares of life, and lift up our mind and heart to the heavens, chanting unto God: Alleluia!!

Ikos 8. 
While abiding wholly in the highest, thou hast in nowise departed from those below, O all-loving Queen of heaven and earth. For though after thy dormition thou didst ascend into the heavens in thine all-pure flesh, yet hast thou not forsaken the sinful earth, showing thyself to share in the providence of thy Son for the Christian race. Wherefore, we bless thee as is meet: Rejoice, O thou who hast illumined the whole earth with the radiance of thine all-pure soul; rejoice, O thou who hast gladdened all the heavens with the purity if thy body! Rejoice, O holy minister of the providence of thy Son for the Christian race; rejoice, zealous intercessor for the whole world! Rejoice, O thou who didst adopt us all at the Cross of thy Son; rejoice, O thou who dost ever show us maternal love! Rejoice, generous bestower of all gifts, spiritual and bodily; rejoice, mediatress of temporal blessings! 

Rejoice, O thou who openest the gates of the kingdom of Christ to the faithful; rejoice, O thou who fillest their hearts with pure gladness on earth! Rejoice, O thou who dost welcome the elect to the mansions of heaven; rejoice, O portal of paradise which is open unto all! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

Kontaktion 9. 
Every angelic being marveled at Thy compassion, O Lord; for Thou hast granted to the Christian race so steadfast and fervent an ally and helper, who abideth with us invisibly and hearkeneth to those who chant to Thee: Alleluia!

Ikos 9. 
Eloquent though not divinely enlightened orators speak foolishness when they say that the veneration accorded a holy image is idolatry; for they do not understand that the honor shown to a holy image ascendeth to its prototype. But we, not only knowing this well, but hearing from faithful peopleof the many miracles wrought by the countenance of the Mother of God, and through our veneration thereif receiving ourselves those things needful for this transitory life and that which is eternal, cry out to the Theotokos with gladness: Rejoice, for wonders are wrought by thy sacred countenance; rejoice, for this wisdom and grace is hidden from the wise and learned of this world! Rejoice, for they are revealed to those who are children in the Faith; rejoice, for thou dost glorify those who glorify thee! Rejoice, for thou dost shame in the sight of men those who reject thee; rejoice, for thou deliverest those who have recourse unto thee from flood, fire and the sword, from deadly plague and every evil! Rejoice, for thou dost mercifully heal all man’s infirmities of body and soul; rejoice, for by thy supplication thou dost speedily allay the wrath of God which is rightly directed upon us! Rejoice, for thou art a calm haven safe from storms for those who sail the sea of life; rejoice, for even after the end of our life’s voyage thou dost safely lead us to the tranquil land of the kingdom of Christ! Rejoice, for thy wonder-working icons are beacons of grace for all; rejoice, for thereby thou dost shed the light of divine grace upon men’s hearts! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful! 

Kontaktion 10.
 Desiring to save the iniquitous man from the way of his life of error, thou didst show him a wondrous vision through thine all-precious icon, O all-blessed one, that, beholding a miracle, and lifted up from the depths of sin by thy loving care, he might cry out to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 10. 
O Virgin Theotokos, thou art a wall of defense for virgins and for all who have recourse unto thee: for the Creator of heaven and earth, Who made His abode within the womb and was born of thee, hath shown thee, the Ever-virgin, to be a guardian of virginity, purity and chastity and a vessel of all the virtues; and He hath taught all to exclaim unto thee: Rejoice, pillar and ground of virginity; rejoice, invisible preserver of purity and chastity! Rejoice, good guide of virgins; rejoice, good adorner and surety of brides! Rejoice, most desired accomplishment of good marriages; rejoice, speedy deliverance of pregnant mothers! 

Rejoice, nurturing and gracious protection of infants; rejoice, O thou who dost gladden childless parents with the fruits of faith and spirit! Rejoice, consolation of sorrowful mothers; rejoice, secret joy of pure virgins and widows! Rejoice, O thou who teachest the young to repel the attack of lust; rejoice for thou dost show the power of repentance unto all! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

Kontaktion 11. 
Offering most compunctionate hymnody unto thee, O Virgin Theotokos, we, though unworthy, beseech thee: Disdain not the voice of thy servants, for amid perils and tribulations we flee to thee and pour forth tears before thee in our misfortunes, chanting: Alleluia!

Ikos 11. 
We look upon the holy Virgin as a luminous lamp shining upon those in the darkness of sin and the vale of tears; for the spiritual fire of her prayers, shining with guidance and consolation, leadeth to the neverwaning Light all who honor her with these exclamations: Rejoice, O ray of Christ our God, the Sun of righteousness; rejoice, O thou who illumineth even the impure conscience! Rejoice, O thou who knowest well all things hidden and hard to foresee and dost relate them to those who should know of them; rejoice, O thou who puttest to shame false seers and empty visions! Rejoice, O thou who in time of doubt dost set good thoughts in man’s heart; rejoice, O thou who dost ever abide with those who abide in fasting, prayer and contemplation of God! Rejoice, O thou who givest vigilance and understanding to the faithful pastors of the Church; rejoice, sure consolation of God-fearing monks and nuns! Rejoice, unashamed helper of sinners who repent before God; rejoice, fervent mediatress for all Christians! Rejoice, zealous advocate for the sinful; rejoice, O thou who dost rouse the slothful to repentance! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

Kontaktion 12. 
Beseech divine grace of thy Son and God; stretch forth to us a helping hand; drive from us every enemy and adversary; and grant peace to our life, that we not perish grievously, without repenting; and accept us into the everlasting mansions, O Theotokos, that, rejoicing, we may chant unto God Who saveth us through thee: Alleluia!! 

Ikos 12. 
Hymning thine ineffable maternal compassion for the iniquitous man, we all praise thee as the intercessor for us sinners, and we pay hamage to thee who prayest for us, for we believe and trust that thou wilt ask thy Son and God to grant temporal and everlasting good thongs unto all who with love cry out thus to thee: Rejoice, O thou who dost trample underfoot all assaults and temptations which come from the world, the flesh and the devil; rejoice, unexpected reconciliation of those at bitter enmity! Rejoice, inconceivable correction of unrepentant sinners; rejoice, speedy comforter of those who suffer from despondency and grief! Rejoice, O thou who keepest us safe through the grace of humility and patience; rejoice, universal denunciation of oath-breakers and the unrighteous! 

Rejoice, O thou who with peace and love dost protect families from domestic strife; rejoice, O thou who invisibly turnest us from destructive pursuits and senseless desires! Rejoice, O thou who dost deliver us from the malice of our primordial foe; rejoice, O thou who dost loose form us the bonds of our sinful habits! Rejoice, faithful companion in good intentions; rejoice, O thou who dost help us all at the hour of our death! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

 Kontaktion 13. 
O most hymned Mother, who contained the uncontainable God within thy womb and gavest birth to the Joy of the world, accept this hymnody, transform all our sorrows into joy, deliver all from every peril, and rescue from everlasting torment all who for thy sake cry aloud: Alleluia!! (this kontaktion is chanted thrice)

Ikos 1. 
The angels and the souls of the righteous were amazed when thou didst stand before thy Son and God, and with great entreaty didst intercede for a man who had ever abode in sin; and we, looking upon this thy great compassion with the eyes of faith, with compunction cry out to thee thus: Rejoice, O thou who acceptest the supplications of all Christians; rejoice, thou who dost not reject the entreaties even of the most wretched of sinners! Rejoice, thou who dost intercede for them with thy Son; rejoice, thou who grantest them the unexpected joy of salvation! Rejoice, thou who by thine intercession dost save the whole world; rejoice, thou who dost assuage all our griefs! Rejoice, O Mother of the God of all, who dost comfort troubled souls; rejoice, O thou who arranges well our life! Rejoice, O thou who hast brought to all men deliverance from their sins; rejoice, O thou who for the whole world hast given birth to Joy! Rejoice, O thou whose mercy falleth upon the righteous and sinners alike; rejoice, O loving mother of God Who is love! Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

Kontaktion 1.
O Theotokos, we offer this hymn of thanksgiving unto thee, the Mother of God and Queen who wast chosen from among all generations, and who didst once appear to the iniquitous man, to turn him away from the path of dishonor. As thou dost have ineffable loving kindness, free us from all misfortunes and sins, that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful!

O all-holy Virgin, most good Mother of the all-good Son, protectress of the royal city of Moscow, faithful intercessor and helper of all amid sins, sorrow, tribulation and sickness: accept from us, thine unworthy servants, this hymn of entreaty which is offered unto thee, and as of old thou didst not disdain the sinner who prayed many times each day before the precious icon, but didst grant him the unexpected joy of repentance, and didst by the great and fervent mediation before Thy Son incline Him to forgive that sinful and effing man, so now do not disdain the entreaty of us, thine unworthy servants, and beseech thy Son and our God, that He grant, for whatever need, unexpected joy to all of us who with faith and compunction bow down before thy healing image: to sinners dunk in the abyss of evils and the passions, efficacious awareness, repentance and salvation; to those in sorrow and grief, consolation; to those who find themselves amid tribulations and afflictions, complete deliverance therefrom; to those of little faith, bereft of hope, hope and patience; to those who live in joy and plenty, constant gratitude to the Benefactor; to the unfortunate, compassion; to the sick and long-ailing, and those forsaken by their physicians, unexpected healing and recovery; to those whose minds have become unbalanced, the return and restoration of sanity; to those who are departing unto endless and everlasting life, the memory of death, compunction and contrition for their sins, a watchful spirit and steadfast trust in the loving-kindness of the Judge. O all-holy Lady, have pity on all who honor thy most honorable name, and show forth thine almighty protection and help upon all. Those who abide in piety, purity and an honorable life do thou the evil to be good; guide the lost to the straight path; assist every good work which is pleasing to thy Son; foil every work which is evil and opposed to God; send down from heaven invisible aid and understanding upon those who find themselves in perplexity and in difficult and perilous circumstances; save us from temptations, stumbling and destruction; defend and preserve us from all evil men, from all enemies, visible and invisible; sail with those who travel by sea; accompany those who journey by land; feed those who are hungry and in want; be thou the protection and refuge of those who have no shelter or haven; clothe thou the naked; help the oppressed and unjustly persecuted; invisibly justify those who are subjected to slander, false accusations and mockery, and unmask slanderers and mockers in the sight of all; grant unexpected reconciliation to those at bitter enmity; and to all of us do thou impart love one for another, peace, piety, health and length of days. Preserve spouses in love and oneness of mind; reconcile couples who are separated and prey to malice, pacify them and unite them one to another, and unite them with a bond of love which is unbreakable; to pregnant mothers grant safe delivery; nurture children, impart chastity to the young, open their minds to receive every profitable teaching and the fear of God, and instill within them the qualities of temperance and industry; with peace and love preserve families from domestic violence and hatred. Be thou a Mother to motherless orphans, turning them away from all lust and defilement, and teaching them every good and God-pleasing thing; out of the pit of destruction lead up those who have been lured into sin and have fallen into impurity, expunging the defilement of their sins. Be thou the comforter and helper of widows and a staff for the elderly. Deliver us all from sudden death without repentance, and grant us all a Christian end to our life, peaceful, devoid of fear and shame, and a good answer at the dread tribunal of Christ. Cause those who have departed this life in faith and repentance to dwell with the angels and all the saints; beseech thy Son to be merciful to those who have died a sudden death; and for all the departed who have not relatives be thou a constant and fervent advocate and mediator for their rest: that all in heaven and on earth might see thee to be the steadfast and unashamed intercessor for the Christian race, and knowing thee to be so, may glorify thee, and through thee thy Son, with His unoriginate Father and His consubstantial Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen

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