Monday, May 31, 2021

Archimandrite Cleopa (Ilie)

 Do you remember any advice that Father gave you at that time?

- Yes, I seem to hear him say to me: “Ah, Ionel, ah! Watch what you do in life! Be sober in your mind! "
- And do you remember another piece of advice that Father gave you?
- As usual, once, when I became bigger and better understood the spiritual life, I asked him: "Father, what should I do to be saved?" And Father answered me: “Three things are necessary for salvation. The first is patience, the second is patience, and the third is patience. Brother John, there is one more thing you need - alms. No need to give the cow away! God never asked you for a cow! God forbid! Not a calf. But you must give the bottle of milk. And one more thing, Brother John, is prayer. Actions and God! Without patience, without charity and without prayer, a person cannot be saved! If there is no patience, you quarrel with people, you don’t help, you don’t pray; you cannot do charity without patience. "

Archimandrite Cleopa (Ilie)
"The great elder Cleopa the Romanian miracle worker"

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