Friday, May 21, 2021

Gerontissa Galaktia

Gerontissa Galaktia Kanakaki of Crete passed away yesterday at the age of 95.

Gerontissa Galaktia Kanakaki lived in Pompeii, where for years there were many people, of all ages, including very young children, who visited her to receive her blessing and were shocked by her spirituality and insight.
Since 2017, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou has publicly reported on Gerontissa of Crete. He had visited her together with the Metropolitan of Limassol Athanasios, realizing that she is a modern living Saint, enlightened by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, who sees like "television", with the eyes of the heart!
According to Fr. Antonios Fraggakis, she said: "we will have difficulties, but not what you hear and read… With what the Turks will do, their end will come".
Gerontissa Galaktia every now and then, emphasized "the coming triumph of Orthodoxy and the glory of Greece"! She was really a "patriot like St. Paisios"!

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