Thursday, May 27, 2021

Hegumen Nikon (Smirnov)

In 1991-1992, due to changes in the state regime, after a long search we had the opportunity to choose a place for the Athos office in Moscow. The church was located on Taganka, near a residential high-rise, the residents of the high-rise built garages, which are now in the territory of the church. People were in no mood to vacate the place, threatening the monks with reprisals, and promising to destroy the church.

Then our abbot went to Mount Athos and decided to ask for spiritual help from the elder Paisios. He was able to see the elder and tell him of his pain.

The elder Paisios listened to the abbot and said:
"You have many prayer books, turn to them."
"What prayer books do I have?
"How many relics do you have?"
"Here are these saints, whose relics you have in the temple, and will help you. Turn to them every day in prayer, seek their help."
The abbot did just that: every day we all started to do processions and pray. And everything was resolved peacefully.

- Hegumen Nikon (Smirnov)

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