Friday, May 28, 2021

There will be no coming of the Antichrist...

There will be no coming of the Antichrist as long as the Church of Christ keeps the word of God. When the Orthodox Church loses the truth, then the Antichrist will undoubtedly come.

There are many antichrists in the world even now, but the one and only antichrist has not yet come because there is still a right faith.When we hear the word "antichrist," we must turn to ourselves. In 1963 I asked a wise Greek metropolitan, "What do you say about the Antichrist?" He answered me, "The antichrist is myself when I become a temptation to my brother.

The main thing is for us not to become the antichrist in our daily lives.

Once I went to Athens and saw an Indian Muslim there. I asked him how long he had been in Greece. He replied that he had been there for five years. "Do you want to be Orthodox?" - I asked. "No," he replied. - Those (Orthodox) people fight with women in the market every day. I haven't had a single argument with a woman here in five years...".

So much for the antichrists....

Archimandrite Gregory Zumis, Geronda of the monastery of Dochiar, Mount Athos

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