Wednesday, August 18, 2021


1. On August 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord - the twelveth feast day. It is generally accepted that the Transfiguration of the Lord took place on Mount Tabor in Lower Galilee 40 days before the Bright Resurrection of Christ. The Orthodox Church postponed its celebration to August 19 so that the holiday would not fall on the days of Great Lent. On the 40th day after the Transfiguration, the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord is celebrated.

2. Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor appeared before his disciples in all his majesty and glory in order to strengthen their faith, showing them - a small number of the elect and only for a short time - the Kingdom of God awaiting every Christian at the end of centuries and times.
3. On this day, the priests serve the liturgy wearing white clothes - in this case, the white color symbolizes the divine light of Tabor, which shone on the face of Christ during prayer on the mountain.
4. About three centuries after the apostles Peter, James and John witnessed the miracle that happened on the mountain, a temple was built on the top of Tabor in honor of the Transfiguration. The initiator of the construction of the temple was the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I Helena Equal to the Apostles
5. People call this holiday the "Apple" Savior, because on this day it is customary to consecrate the first fruits - apples, pears, grapes.
6. Iconography of the holiday: against the background of rocky terrain, Jesus Christ is depicted in the center of the icon, mainly in white clothes, on both sides of Him - Moses and Elijah. The apostles are pictured below. The rocks depicted on the icon symbolize faith and spiritual ascent that every Christian must accomplish. Trees - the Cross on which Christ later suffered.
7. On Athos on this day, the Panigiri of the Kutlumush and Pantokrator monasteries are celebrated.
8. There is an ancient custom on Athos: on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, monks ascend to the top of the Holy Mountain and conduct a festive divine service.

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