Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Orthodox Parables and Stories: "Holy Virgin Mary of Alms"

I had not realized the power of the Holy Virgin's mediation until the moment I read in the book "Sinners Salvation" written by Saint Agapios, the following miracle.

He was a very sinful soldier and prone to adultery. But he had a virtuous wife who often advised him to repent of his sins. After much effort she persuaded him to fast from the first of August until the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and all the eves of her feasts and eat on the days of fasting once a day only bread and water. In addition, his wife taught him to pray in front of the image of the Virgin Mary, saying "Rejoice, O Virgin Mary full of grace… .." and that he knew another prayer. One day he entered a church and as he was praying in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary he saw Christ in the arms of the Virgin, having wounds all over His body from which fresh blood was flowing as if the wounds had been made at that moment.

The soldier wept bitterly and venerating the Virgin Mary, said through his soul: “My sweet Lady, have mercy on the sinner and intercede with the Lord to forgive me, as the mediator of the sinners that you are. Then he heard the Virgin Mary say to him: “You sinners call me Mother of alms and with your sins you make me a mother of sorrow and grief.

The soldier, hearing these words, fell face down on the ground and said: “My Lady, do not be angry with me, poor thing, but as the mediator of sinners and help, intercede for me. Your prayer to the Our Lord has great power. ” Saying this, looking at the ground, not daring to raise his eyes, he hears the Holy Virgin saying to the Lord: “My beloved Son, have mercy on the sinner who worships with tears and confesses his sins. The Lord responded: "Do not bother me about him Mother because he is not worthy of forgiveness." The Virgin answered: "Remember, my child, the sweetest motherly love with which I raised you and with how much desire I nurtured you and forgave his sins." The Lord answered, "Mother, because of righteousness I cannot obey you."

Then the Virgin Mary said to him: "I do not ask you to judge him with justice but with your infinite mercy, because everyone calls me Mother of alms." Christ then says to her: “Do not grieve, Mother, because I do not obey what you ask of me, but remember that I also prayed to my Father three times in the hour of Passion, if it were possible to redeem the human race in another way to receive death. but he did not obey me. " When the merciful Virgin saw that the multitude of the soldier's sins hindered the mercy of God, she bent her knees to worship him and to beg in this way of humiliation, the bowels of her philanthropic Son for mercy as it was done.

As soon as Christ saw His Mother, that She made a move to worship Him, He did not leave Her but said to Her: “Because in the law is written the commandment that everyone should honor his father and his mother, I do not want to violate Your request. So let the iniquities of this one be forgiven, and for a point of love let him come near to kiss My wounds. ” Hearing this, the soldier got up excited and started kissing the wounds and oh miraculously every wound he kissed was healed and continued until he healed them all. The soldier thanked the Lord and his Eternal Mother and coming to his house he told his wife what had happened, corrected all the injustices he had done and did many alms

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