Saturday, June 22, 2024

Orthodox Parables and Stories: A miracle of the life of St. Gabriel Urgebadze


Once Father Gabriel sat quietly on a bench in the courtyard of the monastery. Suddenly he was approached by a beautiful woman with makeup and wearing tight pants. And she sat on Father Gabriel's knees, and kissed him, and said:
Father Gabriel, you are so beautiful. I'm a fan of yours ! I will come back to you again..... "
Stood stiff, didn't understand what was happening. Father Gabriel looked stoned. I thought someone sent this woman on purpose.
Father Gabriel listened to her for a long time, and did not interrupt her, then said:
"Come, Makwala, come again... "
When Makwala heard Fr Gabriel calling her by her name, Fr Gabriel suddenly stood up and ran towards the exit without looking back.
After that, Father Gabriel went into his cell and received no one all evening, and he prayed a lot in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary.
I thought if Makwala came back the next day, it would happen again. Makwala is back, but a miracle has happened:
She had nothing in common with the one that came yesterday:
She was wearing a long black skirt, she had a scarf on her head, and her eyes were crying. She stood at the door of Father Gabriel's cell and said with tears:
"Father Gabriel, I know you will not open the door for me. I know I'll never see you again, forgive me for my rudeness yesterday. Thank you for everything".
I'm blown away by this change. I couldn't understand everything right away, but now I see clearly that Father Gabriel performed an invisible miracle - he healed a perplexed woman.
The next day, I remembered, that yesterday, shortly before Makwala's arrival, Father Gabriel unexpectedly got up, entered his cell and closed the door. No doubt he predicted her arrival and didn't want to meet her.

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