Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Lessons on Misions

Someone had gone to St. Paisios and said to him:
"Elder, I want to go to Africa, to do a Mission and I'm getting ready...".
"And how are you getting ready?" asks the Elder.
“Well, elder,” he says: “I am learning their language well, because I have to tell them things they do not know, I am learning well their manners and customs, their lore and history, I am also learning some rudimentary knowledge of medicine. I'm also learning to swim..."
"What; Are you learning to swim? Why are you learning to swim?" St. Paisios asked in surprise.
And he answers him:
“For there in the village where I am going, in Africa, they have a sorcerer, who may stir them up against me, and I shall be forced me to run away. And just in case, if there is a river there, I need to swim...".
"No!", Saint Paisios tells him, "this is not how the Mission is done...
Listen, how it happens: You will become a Saint! You will go to Africa, you will meet that magician and you will say to him: "You see that dead man, resurrect him!". Of course, the magician will not be able to resurrect him. Then you will resurrect him! And the magician, seeing the miracle, will become a Christian! Thus, the magician who knows their language, their manners and customs, will then make all others Christians!"!!

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