Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Elder Joachim and the Mule

Priest Artemios of Karyes, Mt. Athos said that blessed Monk Joachim, who lived in Koutlaimousiou skete of St. Panteleimon, left one morning to go to Church in a well known cell. But on the road he died. His body lay on the road for a month without any harm. Neither the wild beats ate it, nor did it decay. It was even flexible.
The most remarkable thing in this story, however, is that the mule of the cell, to which Elder Joachim was going, from the day of his death, left every morning and came back at night. This lasted a month, until the elder of the cell began to wonder about his mule disappearing every day. So the next morning he followed it. And what did he see? The mule went and stood near Monk Joachim's body and guarded it.
Source: Zoophilia of the Saints and Zoophilia of the Animals


  1. thank you for sharing!
    how touching! I had the blessing to stay for a couple of week in these blessed place of Karyes Sketes.
    There are so many unrevealed saints there.
    God bless you
    Constantine Karatzogiannis
    Athens, Greece


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