Monday, September 30, 2019

Orthodox Parables and Stories: Miracles During the 1918 Spanish Flu

In the year 1918 a flu epidemic broke out across Europe and the so-called "Spanish flu"across Greece. In the area of ​​Thermo, the influenza epidemic was in a great outbreak.
Daily,for about three months, the deaths from the flu, as evidenced by the books of the Church, amounted to and twelve a day. The situation was tragic.
How two people affected by the lethal virus managed to find a cure:
The first miracle was in the neighborhood of the Agrafiotis family. There, in the house, lay the heavily ill 18-year-old Theodoros Agrafiotis in bed infected with the flu. His mother, watching the procession arriving at their house, she ran and shouted, saying, "Rise, Theodore, Rise, my child, to make the sign of the cross in front of the image of Saint Paraskevi that passes on the road, to do you well."
"The saint did her miracle. Theodoros Agrafiotis became totally well, grew up, had a family, had seven daughters, lived many years after, and in his deep old age, at the age of 94 he left life naturally. With admiration, enthusiasm and faith, the procession continued its course, and the second miracle did not take long to come.
Specifically, when the holy procession arrived at the house of Konstas Efanti, Euphrosini Konstas Efanti was sick and bedridden, waiting for her fatal end. Hearing the chanting, she asked the woman who was caring for her what was happening. She explained to her and the sick Euphrosini begged her to help her get up and take her to the window to see the icon of Saint Paraskevi. Indeed, the woman who cared for her helped her get up and go to the window. The sick then made the sign of the cross and begged the Saint to do her well. Immediately she got well and went close to the icon embracing the Holy Image and to thank the Saint. Euphrosini then lived for fourteen more years and fell asleep naturally in the year 1932.
The same thing happened to the other people who were infected by the deadly flu. In the image of Him alone, making their cross or whispering the name of Saint Paraskevi, they were doing well. Indeed, since that day, November 20, 1918, deaths have completely ceased from the Spanish Influenza Disease.
Saint Paraskevi did her miracles. She saved once again the inhabitants of Therma and the surrounding villages from this epidemic.
Since then, all the people of the Therma and Mandra settlements celebrate the remembrance of this miracle, each year, with distinct brilliance and religious devotion.
Source: Sophia Chatzi
Greek journal ORTHODOX TRUTH, 2019, July 24

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