Sunday, September 29, 2019

Orthodox Parables and Stories: The Winged Submissive

A young student from Karyes went to Elder Paisios for bread one day. He greeted him with great love and put him on one of the logs, which he used instead of chairs in his open-air mansion.
As they talked, he cut a small piece of bread and rubbed it in his palm until it became crumbs. Then, in front of his little visitor's surprised eyes, he turned his head to the sky and shouted to a sparrow flying above them: " Come here! Fear not, ours is the child! "
The bird obeyed, and after circling over their heads, he went and sat down first on the elder's shoulder and from there to his palm, where he began to eat the crumbs in his quietness.
The child was left uneasy watching this rare sight. Seeing his surprise, the Elder explained: "Today our Lady has given you a little sweet. Always remember it and because of it with kindness to motivate yourself to do good! "
Unfortunately, at that moment there were voices and steps from the path, which compelled the elder to say to the bird: "Come on now, go, because people are coming!"
The sparrow, like a good submissive, immediately obeyed and flew back into the sky.
translated by Orthodox Parables and Stories

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